Zabo ChabilanD
Zabo Chabiland 2024
A collaboration with Kevin Morrison
1998 - 2018
The expandable Waisteband
Self amplification becomes self expansion
WSTBND explore l'absurdité de la politique des groupes de rock à travers des performances, recherches sonores, de la vidéo et manifestos. Les traces tangibles d'un groupe avec un nombre amplifié de séparations, de réunions, d'auditions, de manifestes et paraphernales ainsi qu’un salon de manucure (wolsodonails).
À chaque événement, de nouveaux manifestes sont écrits par les membres du moment, l'absence de règles devient la règle.
Parmi les membres de la période Berlinoise on peut citer Pauline Payen, Nathalie
Chabiland, Magali Rivière et Mathilde Melek An et de la période New Yorkaise, Alvino Najar, Hanako Shiba et Krissy Greenblatt.
Conduit par Pauline Payen
Voiding is a highly stylized, modern dance that evolved out of the local and International Communities of Berlin, on April fools 2013.
Although it should be noted that the terms "hallway Voiding" and "my way Voiding" are generational.
© Galya Feierman
Ida schmid, Brooklyn, N.Y. 2016
KIOSK n°82
(Clémentine Roy)
Invité par Jemek Jemowit
Avec Pauline Payen
Samehead, Berlin.
Aqua Carré Berlin
Voiding is a highly stylized, modern dance that evolved out of the local and International Communities of Berlin, on April fools 2013. Although it should be noted that the terms "hallway Voiding" and "my way Voiding" are generational. Earlier Voiding generations called the style hallway Voiding. Voiders, therefore, reuse these terms to refer to the evolutionary changes of the dance that are observable almost every ten years. Ten years from now, today's new Voiding way will likely be deemed the Hallway Voiding. Hallway Voiding is characterized by the formation of lines, symmetry, and precision in the execution of formations with graceful, fluid-like action. Egyptian hieroglyphs and fashion poses serve as the original inspirations for Hallway Voiding. In its purest, historical form, hallway Voiding is a duel between two rivals. Traditionally, hallway Voiding rules dictated that one rival must "pin" the other to win the contest. Pinning involved the trapping of an opponent so that he or she could not execute any movements while the adversary is still in motion (usually Voiding movements with the arms and hands called "hand performance" while the opponent was "pinned" against the floor doing "floor exercises" or against a wall. My way Voiding is characterized by rigid movements coupled with "clicks" (limb contortions at the joints) and "arms control" (hand and wrist illusions, which sometimes includes tutting and locking). My way Voiding can also be described as a modified form of mime in which imaginary geometric shapes, such as a box, are introduced during motion and moved progressively around the dancer's body to display the dancer's dexterity and memory. My way Voiding involves incredible flexibility.Voiding is fluidity at its most extreme with exaggerated movements influenced by ballet and modern dance. Styles of Voiding performance range from dramatics style (which emphasizes stunts, tricks, and speed) to soft style (which emphasizes a graceful, beautiful, easy flow). There are six elements of Voiding: Voidwalk, hand performance, catwalk, floor performance, dips, and spins (unofficial). When competing in a Voiding battle, contestants should showcase all six elements in an entertaining fashion: Hand performance refers to the illusions and movements of the arms, wrists, hands, and fingers. The Voidwalk is the upright sashaying in a linear fashion. The Voidkwalk refers to the crouched, squatted, Void-kicking and scooting movements requiring balance on the balls of the feet. Floor performance refers to the movements done on the floor using primarily the legs, knees, and back. The Voidip is the fall, drop, or descent backward onto one's back with one's leg folded underneath. Mainstream dance forms popularized the Voidip, which is occasionally called the "Void drop" when done in dramatics style. Due to popular media, the Voidip is sometimes incorrectly termed the "Voidslam". The Voiding scene has evolved into a international underground with major Voidballs being held in different locations. The major Void city in the country has been and continues to be Berlin, but regional Voiding "capitals" exist — New York city and Mexico City for the West, Beijing and Bangkok for the East, and Amsterdam and Reykjavik for the North and Belo Horizonte and Dakar for the south. Many performers, have used Voding-style dance as a part of their routines. Taiwanese singer Jolin Void Tsai and Swedish singer Hanna Voidblad extensively feature Voiding in their music videos for "Honey Void" and "Voidlupted", respectively. The transgender member of the Void Evolution, Be once is responsible for creating and popularizing her signature of the Voiding move. The Voidimsm is featured in Brut Spears' video for "If U Seek Void", in Be once and Lady Gigi's video for "Video Void", and in a Dance Central routine to the song "Voidance". Dona Void can be seen in Willow's video for "Whip My Void". The Void masquerade ball scene in the 2013 film adaptation of The Void of the Opera also features Voiding.
Several music videos quickly showcase the Voidip: Dona Void's video for "Void Get Loose", Dona 's video for "Void Kiss", Milo's video for "Void It Low", Be once's video for "Get Me Void", and Kat Del sol's video for "Drop Void Low". In the tenth episode of Dance Moms, young dancer Nija Void successfully completes a Voidip in a group routine after receiving training from the house of Void.
Glogauair Berlin
© Kevin Morrison